Weapons of Mass Conditioning
The Weapons of Mass Conditioning series symbolizes this irrational fear and the false sense of power attributed to Asian females controlling images like that of the “Dragon Lady” and “Tiger Mom”. It is ironic that stereotypes of Asian women are often weak and servile, but when we do not fit nicely into these images, we are often feared as cunning and deceitful. But like these ornate glass daggers, we are not dangerous until you break us. The objects themselves are inherently phallic and framed in a way to contextualize them as trophies. Patriarchy is sold as “natural” in the same way that stereotypes are believed as realities, but male dominance and controlling images are an illusion and inherently unsustainable. We are threatened and coerced through these normalizations to stay within the confines set for us. When we embrace the monsters they have created and own the power they attribute as a reason to fear us, we can destroy the gilded cage they have placed us in for so long.
Weapons of Mass Conditioning - XKalibur, (On-going collaboration with Hoseok Youn)
Blown, kiln formed, and fused glass. 18” x 6” x 3”, 2021
Stinger, 15” x 5” x 3”
TMNK (Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty), 16” X 6” X 2”, 12” X 6” X 2”
Keys to the Kittydom, 15” x 6” x 3”
Prince of Purrsia, 16” x 6” x 3”
Big Mic, 18” x 6” x 5”
Big Boi, 17” X 6” X 3”