This series is an exploration of my culture and an examination of the origins of Asian female stereotypes. The Kitty Army is inspired by the Four Books for Women (女四書), which served as the basis of education for young females of aristocratic families during Chinese imperial rule and promoted the three submissions and the four virtues (三從四德) laid out in Confucian’s teachings. Although stereotypes are often dependent on social climates rather than actual characteristics of a racial group, these traits can be traced back to Chinese feudal society and how women were educated during this time.
The Army Is Recruiting, 2019 Photo by Lindsey Claire Adelman
Together We Stand, 2019 Photo by Lindsey Claire Adelman
The Brides Stripped Bare by her Commander, 2019
Current Mood, 2019
起來, 起來 起來 起來 (Rise up, Rise up Rise up Rise up), 2019
Opulence! Kitty owns Everything, 2019
Beauty, Take Us to Your Leader, 2019
Photo credit: Katarina Kaneff