My Little GroomMe
Groom Me playset, 2020
Gilded Memories: Interactive Series
Kiln formed glass, bronze, mix media
#brushthathair, #strokethatmaternalinstinct, #hairplay, #categorizeyouremotions, #sentimentalmaterialism
Cannoncini (CreamHorn)
My Little GroomMe line
Kiln formed glass, human hair
“Hair play” is a toy marketing technique distinct to female gender-specific toys. By having brushable hair, the toy aims to trigger an empathic and motherly response from female consumers. This sentimental sympathy has become so entangled with societal views on moral good that it effectively neutralizes the reality that these performative actions are produced and sustained by the naturalization of white racial hierarchy. Groom Me playset aims to address the early visual cues in childhood toys that “marks the sublimation of aggression [male social dominance] into sympathetic desire”. As we normalize the desire to groom our playthings, we women are being groomed to fulfil a role set out by a male dominated society to keep us in our place.
My Little GroomMe line
Kiln formed glass, gold, human hair
#drippinginfoolsgold, #gildedlovers
Always, with Wings Edition (Maxi, CrimsonTide, MoonTime), My Little GroomMe line
Kiln formed glass, gold, human hair. 6” x 4” x 7” each, 2022
#mytidedsisters, #alwayswithwings, #lockinthewetness, #pantyprotector, #theredcurse, #doubletheprotection

Photo Credit: Katarina Kaneff & B. Fortuné